
翟敏 助理教授

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翟敏博士,永利集团助理教授。2022年博士毕业于美国佐治亚理工学院。主要研究方向为太赫兹时域成像与光谱分析、太赫兹无损检测与智能传感、信号/图像处理、人工智能应用等相关领域研究。目前已在NDT&E International, Surface and Coatings TechnologyOptics Letter,  Journal of infrared, millimeter, and terahertz waves等国际期刊发表学术论文20余篇,并担任领域内多个国际期刊及会议审稿人。


[1]. M. Zhai, A. Locquet, C. Roquelet, P. Alexandre, L. Daheron, DS. Citrin. Nondestructive measurement of mill-scale thickness on steel by terahertz time-of-flight tomography. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2020, 125765.

[2]. M. Zhai, A. Locquet, D.S. Citrin. THz imaging for thickness characterization of plastic sheets. NDT&E International, 2020, 102338.

[3]. M. Zhai, A. Locquet, C Roqelet, L.A. Ronqueti, D.S. Citrin. Nondestructive thickness characterization of multi-layer coatings on steel by terahertz time-of-flight tomography. NDT&E International, 2020, 102358.

[4]. M. Zhai, A Locquet, M Jung, D Woo, D.S. Citrin. Characterization of nanoporous Al2O3 films at terahertz frequencies. Optics Letters, 2020, 45(14): 4092-4095.

[5]. M. Zhai, A Locquet, M Jung, D Woo, DS Citrin. Nondestructive characterization of nanoporous alumina films using terahertz scattering imaging. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2021, 126792.

[6]. M Zhai, E.A. Mohamed, A Locquet, G. Schneider, R. Kalmar, M. Fendler, N. F. Declercq, DS. Citrin. Diagnosis of injection-molded weld lines in ABS thermoplastic by polarized terahertz reflective imaging. NDT&E International, 2021, 102497.

[7]. M. Zhai, P. Bhaskar, H. Shi, M. Swaminathan, A. Locquet, D.S. Citrin. Terahertz characterization of glass-based materials and stackups for 6G microelectronics packaging. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 2023, 44(11): 841-857.

[8]. D. Pooja, N.F. Declercq, M. Zhai, A. Locquet, M. Jung, D. Woo, D.S. Citrin. Acoustic microscopy characterization of highly-ordered anodized nanoporous alumina films for nanotechnology applications[J]. Surfaces and interfaces, 2023, 42(B):103450.

[9]. H. Shi, S. Calvelli, M. Zhai, M. Ricci, P. Singh, H. Fu, A. Locquet, D.S. Citrin, Terahertz nondestructive characterization of conformal coatings for microelectronics packaging[J]. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2024, 14(1): 3-9.