
[1] Zhao Bo, Huang Lei, Jin Benzhou. Strategy for SAR imaging quality improvement with low-precision sampled data[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020, 59(4): 3150-3160.
[2] Zhao Bo, Huang Lei. One-bit SAR imaging based on single-frequency thresholds[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019, 57(9): 7017-7032.
[3] Zhao Bo, Huang Lei, Li Jian, Zhang P. Target reconstruction from deceptively jammed single-channel SAR[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018, 56(1): 152-167.
[4] Zhao Bo, Huang Lei, Li Jian, Liu Maliang, Wang Jinwei. Deceptive SAR jamming based on 1-bit sampling and time-varying thresholds[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2018, 11(3): 939-950.
[5] Zhao Bo, Huang Lei, Zhou Feng, Zhang Jihong. Performance improvement of deception jamming against SAR based on minimum condition number[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2017, 10(3): 1039-1055.
[6] Zhao Bo, Zhou Feng, Bao Zheng. Deception jamming for squint SAR based on multiple receivers[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2015, 8(8): 3988-3998.
[7] Zhao Bo, Huang Lei, Sun Weize. Target reconstruction in deceptively jammed SAR via ADMM[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019, 19(11): 4331-4339.
[8] Zhao Bo, Huang Lei, Zhang Jihong. Single channel SAR deception jamming suppression via dynamic aperture processing[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2017, 17(13): 4225-4230.
[9] Zhao Bo, Zhou Feng, Shi Xiaoran, Wu Qisong, Bao Zheng. Multiple targets deception jamming against ISAR using electromagnetic properties[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2015, 15(4): 2031-2038.
[10] Zhao Bo, Zhou Feng, Tao Mingliang, Zhang Zijing, Bao Zheng. Improved method for synthetic aperture radar scattered wave deception jamming[J]. IET Radar Sonar and Navigation, 2014, 8(8): 971-976.
[11] Zhou Feng, Zhao Bo, Tao Mingliang, Bai Xueru, Chen Bo, Sun Guangcai. A large scene deceptive jamming method for space-borne SAR[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2013, 51(8): 4486-4495.
[12] Zhou Feng, Tian Tian, Zhao Bo, Bai Xueru, Fan Weiwei. Deception Against Near-Field Synthetic Aperture Radar Using Networked Jammers[J]. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2019, 55(6):3365-3377.
[13] Shi Xiaoran, Zhou Feng, Zhao Bo, Tao Mingliang, Zhang Zijing. Deception jamming method based on micro-Doppler effect for vehicle target[J]. IET Radar Sonar & Navigation, 2016, 10(6): 1071-1079.
[14] Jin Benzhou, Zhang Xiaofei, Zhao Bo, Wu Gang. One-Bit LFM Pulse Radar: Harmonic Analysis and Target Reconstruction[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 109482-109494.
[15] Liu Lei, Zhou Feng, Tao Mingliang, Zhao Bo, Zhang Zijing. Cross-range scaling method of inverse synthetic aperture radar image based on discrete polynomial-phase transform[J]. IET Radar Sonar & Navigation, 2015, 9(3):333-341.
[16] Tian Tian, Zhou Feng, Bai Xueru, Zhang Zijing, Zhao Bo, Fan Weiwei. A Partitioned Deceptive Jamming Method against TOPSAR[J]. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2020, 56(2): 1538-1552.
[17] 赵博,周峰,保铮. 基于电磁散射模型的ISAR空中目标欺骗干扰方法[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2014, 36(1): 194-201.
[18] 赵博,杨军,孙光才,周峰,保铮. 一种虚假大场景SAR快速转发式欺骗干扰方法研究[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2012, 34(4): 963-968.
[19] 赵博,黄磊,周汉飞,张亮,李强,黄敏. 基于单频时变阈值的1-bit SAR成像方法研究[J]. 雷达学报, 2018, 7(4): 446-454.
[20] 刘宁, 赵博, 黄磊. 单通道SAR抗欺骗干扰方法[J]. 雷达学报, 2019, 8(01): 73-81.
[21] 黄岩, 赵博, 陶明亮, 陈展野, 洪伟. 合成孔径雷达抗干扰技术综述[J]. 雷达学报, 2020, 9(01): 86-106.
[1] 赵博,杨军,孙光才,周峰,保铮. 实时大场景SAR欺骗干扰方法研究[C]. 第十一届全国雷达学术年会, 2010年9月, 长沙,中国: 1-5. (优秀论文一等奖)
[2] 赵博,黄磊,张亮,周汉飞,张沛昌,董郑. 欺骗干扰环境下的单通道SAR目标超分辨重构[C]. 第十四届全国雷达学术年会, 2017年11月, 成都,中国: 1-5.
[3] 赵博,黄磊,李强,黄敏,何春龙,孙维泽. 合成孔径雷达1比特欺骗干扰方法研究[C]. 第十四届全国雷达学术年会, 2017年11月,成都,中国: 1-5.
[4] Zhao Bo, Huang Lei, He Chunlong, Guo Chongtao, Zhang Jihong, Wang Jinwei. SAR deception jamming identification via differential feature enhancement[C]. CIE International Conference on Radar, Oct. 2016, Guangzhou, China: 1-5.(Excellent Paper Award 3rd Prize)
[5] Zhao Bo, Huang Lei, Li Qiang, Huang Min, Bao Weimin. 1-bit SAR imaging assisted with single-frequency threshold[C]. 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS 2019), Jul. 2019, Yokohama, Japan: 815-818.
[6] Zhao Bo, Huang Lei, Zhang Liang, Li Qiang, Huang Min, Zhou Hanfei. An ADMM based target reconstruction approach for deceptively jammed SAR[C]. 10th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, Jul. 2018, Sheffield, UK: 1-5.
[7] Zhao Bo, Bai Xueru, Zhou Feng, Zhang Zijing, Bao Zheng. Analysis of the azimuth resolution of bistatic SAR[C]. International Conference on Radar, Sep. 2013, Adelaide, Australia: 407-411.
[8] Tian Tian, Zhou Feng, Zhao Bo. Fast deceptive jamming against TOPSAR[C]. 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS 2018), Nov. 2018, Valencia, Spain: 601-604.
[9] Pan Tianlun, Zhao Bo, Huang Lei, Yi Chengbo. Low-cost matched filter for 1-bit SAR signal processing based on single-frequency threshold[C]. Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Nov. 2019, Xiamen, China, 1-4.
[10] Yi Chengbo, Zhao Bo, Huang Lei, Pan Tianlun. Promotion from 1-bit quantization model to multi-bit in SAR imaging[C]. Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Nov. 2019, Xiamen, China, 1-4.
[11] Hou Wanxing, Zhao Bo, Huang Lei. Research on synthetic aperture radar hybrid jamming method based on 1-bit sampling[C]. IET International Radar Conference 2021, Chongqing, China, Accepted.
[12] Pan Tianlun, Zhao Bo, Huang Lei, Zhao Yuan. One-bit SAR imaging and moving target detection based on frequency shift of dechirp echo[C]. IET International Radar Conference 2021, Chongqing, China, Accepted.
[13] Kuai Chengling, Zhao Bo, Huang Lei. Multi-false-target deceptive jamming against SAR based on 1-bit quantization[C]. IET International Radar Conference 2021, Chongqing, China, Accepted.
[14] Geng Yiqian, Zhao Bo, Huang Lei, Yi Chengbo, Pan Tianlun, Huang Cong. Vehicle-mounted 1-bit SAR imaging based on frequency shifted dechirping echo[C]. 2021 IEEE 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Spring), Helsinki, Finland, Apr. 2021, 1-5, Accepted.
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[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,针对SAR的快速1-bit极简欺骗干扰方法研究,在研
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上基金,脉冲体制1-比特雷达目标检测机理与方法研究,在研
[3] 永利集团科研启动项目,单比特微型化SAR成像技术研究,在研
[4] 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,复杂合成孔径雷达工作模式下的欺骗干扰技术研究,结题
[1] “兆易创新杯”第十五届中国研究生电子设计竞赛,华南分赛区优秀指导教师
[2] “兆易创新杯”第十五届中国研究生电子设计竞赛,华南分赛区团队一等奖
[3] “兆易创新杯”第十五届中国研究生电子设计竞赛,华南分赛区团队二等奖
[4] “兆易创新杯”第十四届中国研究生电子设计竞赛,华南分赛区团队一等奖